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Fall Fertilization

As autumn arrives and landscapes transition, we at Nelson Plant Food are excited to be making Carb-o-load for our retailers. The main features are seasonal fertilization, pre-emergent herbicide, and user-friendly application. Carb-o-load is packed with essential nutrients that promote healthy root development and overall turf vitality. The 10-10-20 ratio ensures that lawns receive the nourishment they need to thrive throughout the fall season and into the spring. It's essential to put down a pre-emergent herbicide before cold weather sets in to maintain a healthy uniform lawn. Prodiamine prevents the germination and growth of crabgrass, annual bluegrass, and other broadleaf weeds. Retailers and customers alike appreciate the ease of one application of two products. With clear instructions and a common spreader application, Carb-o-load simplifies lawn care, making it accessible to both professionals and beginners. To help you showcase our retail products, we offer a range of promotional materials, including signs, informational brochures, and online assets. Our team is also available to provide training and support to your staff, ensuring they can confidently assist customers in choosing the right product for their needs. At Nelson Plant Food, we're committed to providing retailers like you with the tools and products to thrive in a competitive market.

- Shelby Dovzak, Retail Specialist Texas Gulf Coast Area

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